President Duterte Warns Abu Sayyaf, I Will Devour You in Front of People!!

President Duterte Warns Abu Sayyaf 

"You know, I am capable of eating a person," Duterte said at a speech in Laos on Monday, according to a translation by Rappler. "I'll really open up the body. Give me vinegar and salt. I'll eat you."

But his rage was real. Duterte said he was "not kidding" as he called out Abu Sayyaf, the Islamist militant organization that has been blamed for the Davao City blast that killed more than a dozen people. 

Is Davao City Still Safe Even Without President Rodrigo Duterte as Their Past Mayor?

Is Davao City Still Safe Even Without President Rodrigo Duterte as Their Past Mayor?

Human rights group Amnesty International on Saturday urged President Rodrigo Duterte's to respond to the Davao City bombing with justice, "not more violations of human rights."  - See more at: 

One of the Virulent Computer Virus


The ILOVEYOU virus is considered one of the most virulent computer virus ever created and it’s not hard to see why. The virus managed to wreck havoc on computer systems all over the world, causing damages totaling in at an estimate of $10 billion. 10% of the world’s Internet-connected computers were believed to have been infected. It was so bad that governments and large corporations took their mailing system offline to prevent infection.

The virus was created by two Filipino programers, Reonel Ramones and Onel de Guzman. What it did was use social engineering to get people to click on the attachment; in this case, a love confession. The attachment was actually a script that poses as a TXT file, due to Windows at the time hiding the actual extension of the file. Once clicked, it will send itself to everyone in the user’s mailing list and proceed to overwrite files with itself, making the computer unbootable. The two were never charged, as there were no laws about malware.This led to the enactment of the E-Commerce Law to address the problem.