In October 1955 General Douglas MacArthur told the cadets of West Point: 'The next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.' The cadets must have wondered which planet MacArthur himself was from, but his fears were no more far-fetched than the current government-fed paranoia that millions of us are about to be murdered in our beds by Islamofascist superbiotoxins kept at45 minutes' readiness in a bedsit in Tipton and activated by psychotic double-amputees.
Origins: This item is a difficult one to classify: It's literally false as worded, because the person named didn't speak the specific words attributed to him at the time and place
claimed (or at any other time and place). However, by combining things the same person said at different times and places, one could come up with a reasonable approximation of the original statement.
The quote attributed to a 1955 West Point address by General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, about the next war being an interplanetary one, is cited in a variety of works and web sites related to UFOs and extraterrestrials and still surfaces in newspapers and other publications from time to time. However, MacArthur did not deliver a speech at West Point that year, nor is there any record of his specifically stating an opinion that the "next war" would be an "interplanetary" one.